Affordable Housing Tips Radio Show #105
Here at, we have been talking about the importance of affordable housing – and the increasing difficulty more and more people are experiencing finding it. We figured it would just be a matter of time before this important topic became “mainstream.”
It looks like that time has come: a new reality TV series in Ireland is going to explore home sharing. Home sharing, as we have discussed on our site, is an important way many senior citizens and younger people are teaming up to help each other deal with the affordable housing problem.
You know a topic has entered the “collective consciousness” when it appears on TV. In this show, we interview Lucie Cunningham, director and founder of THE Home Share in Dublin, Ireland. Lucie is excited to be serving as a consultant for the upcoming TV series, and we were really excited for the opportunity to interview her and hear more about it.
If you are in a hurry to hear about this new TV series, you can skip to about 13:30 in the interview. The first part of the interview with Lucie is worth listening to as well, however. Lucie gives a definition of homesharing, as well as a brief explanation about how her particular agency implements it. Lucie’s dedication and commitment to doing the best possible job for the people she matches up are simply impossible to miss.

Lucie Cunningham with two happy clients!
Referring to her “work” as a home sharing director, Lucie says “I love it! I feel as if I have not worked a day in the last two years,” referring to the time since she founded THE Home Share in Ireland.
She goes on to say “I see every day the difference homesharing is making in people’s lives. That keeps me going.”
Today’s show is just the first part of our interview with Lucie Cunningham of THE Home Share in Dublin, Ireland. We will post the next section of this terrific interview soon, so be sure to check back here at
We hope you enjoy the show! Listen now by clicking on the player above. And if you like the show, or if you have any suggestions for additional topics or interviews, be sure to let us know.
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